Debbie Brein.
“Where do I begin? I first saw Fitness Maniacs advertised in the Highway Mail, and then a few days later my husband came home from the gym with one of their flyers. I had become very unhappy with the way I looked and the clothes I was wearing, even though I went to gym every day and worked hard (well I thought I worked hard!), by then my self-confidence was low. I weighed 73kg and felt and looked like an over-baked muffin in the mirror. Everybody said that I looked just fine, but it still bothered me. I think it must be a girl thing. So I decided that it was time to make some changes and that I was going to do whatever it took to transform my body back to the body I once loved. With my very supportive husband and sons at my side, I decided to take up the Fitness Maniacs challenge and I signed-up with Fitness Maniacs in May 2010.
The Fitness Maniacs team are something special. I think I only missed one session if I remember correctly. They guided, taught and drilled us, and we had many a hearty laugh whilst sweating buckets at the Saturday sessions. We were given strict diets, which I am proud to say, I stuck to for the whole twelve weeks. Some of my friends couldn’t believe how strict I was on myself, but I was determined to lose that weight and nothing was going to stop me. What the hell, it’s only twelve weeks of my life and nothing is impossible. I suppose it just depends on how hungry you really are to achieve and accomplish your goals in life. It wasn’t easy but I enjoyed every minute of it. My instructors taught me how far I could actually push myself and I reached a fitness level I would never have achieved training on my own.
I achieved second place that year. It was the best feeling ever. I was much more confident, happy to look in the mirror and wearing all those clothes that I used to take off again and throw into the cupboard! I felt like a million bucks!
Then the 2011 season came around and I decided to join the Fitness Maniacs team again. Everybody still thinks that I am mad, but hey, it has become a way of life for me. I really don’t feel right if I miss gym. Someone asked me just the other day if I would do it again and the answer is definitely yes. I can honestly say that I have never looked back since taking up the challenge. I have even managed to inspire other mothers. It really makes me happy to see them trying to do something to change the way they look and feel. I thoroughly enjoyed my two challenges with the Fitness Maniacs. A special thanks to the whole team for all the support and guidance. A journey I will always treasure. Stay well!”.