The Challenge.
What separates us from other 12 week Body Transformation Challenges, is that our challenge is based upon a total physique transformation and not weight loss alone. The benefits of an improved body are too numerous to mention but include improved health and fitness, as well as increased self-confidence. This plays a vital role in both home life and work/ office productivity (see team building/ corporate challenge information).
Participants are judged, by an independent panel, on their physical transformation by before and after photos.
Fitness Maniacs was established in 2009 and has transformed the lives of hundreds of people. It is a structured 12 week programme, the recipe for success based on principles of sound nutrition and a well-thought out weight training and cardio program. Our team of highly experienced personal/group trainers are mentors throughout the 12 week period, and regularly monitor the progress of each and every participant. The team is as committed to your success as you are!
We have weekly group sessions that are run by the trainers. We supply you with an eating plan and offer you advice on nutrition. We also supply you with training programmes to follow on your own. The trainers are available to answer any questions that you may have.
We send out a fortnightly newsletter that features information on nutrition and healthy lifestyle changes. Training programmes are on our website, that you can follow in the gym or at home. The trainers will alter your eating plan if you are not getting your desired results. The participants that wish to lose or gain weight are weighed fortnightly so we can monitor progress.
The Fitness Maniacs Team is very goal driven, meaning it is important to us that our clients reach the goals that they set for themselves. Whether your goals are to get fit, stay in shape or lose weight, our team is there to help you every step of the way.
Our sponsors Extreme Nutrition Westwood Mall offer discounts on their supplement range.